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Your chances in October 2024

The game between letting go and letting in

Autumn has reached its peak and with October, we can feel the year slowly coming to an end. At this time of year, when the leaves are changing color and the days are getting shorter, time just seems to fly.

At the beginning of the month, we are in the middle of eclipse season. You may feel like you're stuck in a transitional phase - somewhere between what has been and what is to come. It feels like you're heading towards something that's not yet tangible. But this is exactly where the magic of this time lies. The solar eclipse on October 2 will bring fresh, new energy into your life. A new path could reveal itself, or you may realize that the hard work of the last few months is finally paying off.

This eclipse is closely linked to the eclipses in March and April. If you set an intention or started something new then, the results could show up now. This is the time when seeds you have unconsciously planted begin to germinate. Trust that what you started months ago is now taking shape.

On October 17, when the full moon in Aries lights up, the energy becomes noticeably more intense. The Aries full moon brings a wave of drive and thrust that motivates you to complete things or start something new. However, amidst all the hustle and bustle, it's important to remember the Libra sun. It shows you that balance should be the foundation for all your actions. Now is the time to realize what really matters. You can't do everything and, above all, you can't be there for everyone - and that's perfectly okay. When you consciously choose what really deserves your energy, space is created for real, profound change.

At the end of the month, when the intense energies have died down a little, you might feel inspired but also a little exhausted. Listen to your body and give it the rest it deserves. The pace may have picked up, but it's the balance that will get you safely through this intense month.

Key dates for October:

- October 2: Solar Eclipse - A new beginning or the start of a harvest phase.

- October 17: Aries full moon - Time to finish projects and focus on the essentials.

October invites you to courageously go your own way without losing your balance. If you walk mindfully through this month, you can make the most of the powerful energies and see your path more clearly.


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